Why it's Worth Considering a Chromebook

The Chromebook can make for an awesome alternative to the laptop. But they aren’t for everyone. Here’s three key things you need to know… and our recommendation.

We are proud to count Play Africa as a client

Unboxxed is proud to count Play Africa, a globally recognised innovation leader in education, as a client. 

Find your serial number (laptops and desktops)

You've got a fabulous not-new laptop or desktop. Here's how to find the serial number.

PC Sales Tanking in 2022

After a wild 2020 and 2021 thanks to COVID and work-from-home, PC sales are set to slump in 2022.

Moving the Needle

There's lots of doom and gloom about the climate. But there's also lots happening to make a difference. 

7 tips to keep your CPO device singing and dancing into old age

It’ll retain more of its value (if you fancy trading it in at any point) and the longer it lasts, the better it is for the environment… and your pocket!

What does Wi-Fi stand for?

We bandy around the term Wi-Fi almost daily. What does it stand for?

Russia is Earning More Than Ever From Fossil Fuels. What's Going On?

Russia is earning more from fossil fuels now than it was before the war in Ukraine began. It still bodes well for renewable energy.

Opening it Up

We work hard to make sure that your refurbished laptop arrives with you safely. We may go a little overboard on the wrapping ;)

It’s tough out there! 3 reasons I’m hopeful about small business in South Africa

Stagflation is being bandied around a lot! In my mind… fair play. It is a jolly tough operating environment. But, where there is pain, there is also opportunity

Our First Media Ad

We've recently published our first media ad. It's a quick, simple little clip describing why refurbished devices are a great way to equip your staff. 

How Much Do You Really Save on Refurbished Laptops?

A prospective client recently asked us to give them a comparison of new and Unboxxed refurbished laptop prices. The results are pretty interesting.

The Microchip Your PC Needs to Run Windows 11

If you want to upgrade to Windows 11, you need to make sure your PC has TPM 2.0 and it is activated.

6 Reasons Why Refurbished Devices are Becoming Mainstream

Refurbished and preowned devices are becoming increasingly popular around the World, with the United States leading the charge. There are 6 key factors driving this trend.

Protect Your Laptop from Cybercriminals

If you are buying a certified preowned laptop for your business, there are 5 things that you must have in place to ensure that you have adequate basic protection.

How Our Devices are Renewed

Our laptops, desktops, and screens are refurbished by professionals. Check out how it's done.