7 tips to keep your CPO device singing and dancing into old age

7 tips to keep your CPO device singing and dancing into old age

So you’ve got a beautiful, not-new preowned device. Here are 7 quick tips to keep it in great condition. It’ll retain more of its value (if you fancy trading it in at any point) and the longer it lasts, the better it is for the environment… and your pocket!

  1. Don’t leave your device sitting in the sun. Extremely hot or cold temperatures (but especially hot) can damage your screen, batteries, and other components. Don’t leave your device in the sun, particularly in the car which can get super-hot.
  2. Charge your device in short cycles. If you keep your battery between 40% and 80% charged, you’ll prolong the battery life quite significantly. So plug it in to charge more often and for shorter times.
  3. Unplug your device when it reaches 100%. Your battery will deteriorate quicker if you keep your device plugged in when the battery is already charged to 100%.
  4. Don’t use anti-bacterial wipes to clean your screen. These can corrode the surface and remove the protective coating from the screen. Just use a lint cloth (like you use for eyeglasses) to wipe it down.
  5. Get a cover. Make sure that it covers the edges and corners of your device. These are the areas that get damaged most often.
  6. Buy a screen protector. It will protect your screen from scratches which can weaken the integrity of the display and make it more susceptible to bigger cracks.
  7. Keep your device away from moisture. Moisture and devices are a bad combination. Obviously! :)